
Category Cacao

Dionne Luby

I started my journey with cacao in 2020. My journey brought me to Galway by packing up and just leaving. Galway is medicine to me and it's where I would go to escape for breaks until I knew I had to be there in order to survive. 

Maureen Mahony

Cacao & Me
As I sit to write this blog (with my cacao) I am remembering my first encounter with Cacao. I had recently lost my soul mate and was feeling the need for healing, but before we embarked on that she offered me a cup of cacao.

My Daily Cacao Recipe

My Daily Cacao Recipe Foreword: Hello everyone, I hope you all had a pleasant festive period and new year and like me, got some well needed rest. While attempting to organise my backlog of posts for Saoro I decided to…