
Category Contributors

Siân Williams

As a therapist and a Certified Cacao Facilitator Siân focuses on giving her clients the confidence to follow their own intuition and discover purpose in life.

Meet Nikki Cutlar

Nikki Cutlar

Meet Nikki Cutlar I’ve been working with clients one on one, and teaching/facilitating classes for thirty years. My Horses and Us Class brings together and expands everything I’ve learnt. It is one of the loves of my life and I…

Meet Lynda Phelan

Meet Lynda Phelan Lynda works with The Irish School of Shamanic Studies as a Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher. Aside from her day job, she is here on Earth to serve the Great Mother Goddess as her Priestess and to help…

Meet Ciara O’Donnell

Ciara O'Donnell

Ciara O’Donnell Ciara O Donnell is a Creative Artist, channelling music and song inspired  from the Earth and the Divine.  She is a certified Shamanic Practitioner and Energy Healer. She is also a member of Irish transcendental band “Bog Bodies”.  …

Meet Mary Sky

Mary Sky Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose….  Awakenings- although not at once awakenings but a coming together of things known and a courage to live them through, no matter what.  Small inconsequence finding no refuge in…