The Only Way Through

This work is never ending, something’s always coming up.
Sometimes that something is dark and scary,
And it gets hard to look.

Hard to look at parts of yourself you have hidden away.
Parts you hoped would never have to see the light of day.

At times you wish you could go back, before you began any of it.
You suddenly understand the phrase that ‘ignorance is bliss’.
For this journey requires you to look at all your changing parts.
And you must find the strength to do it all with an open heart.

For healing cannot come from fear or guilt or shame.
The only way through is to fully acknowledge your pain.
To love yourself unconditionally,
No matter what you’ve said and done.
And remember that forgiveness is available to everyone

A Poem by Jess Paget

Image Credits: Unsplash – Miguel Bruna / Lina Trochez

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Jess Paget
Jess Paget
Articles: 4