Imbas Transmission on Unravelling Shame

Imbas Transmission on Unravelling Shame – Claire Kilalea

Shame: Channeled Imbas Transmission

This transmission was channeled in the moment, intuitively weaving words to land deep within your being. The energy of shame, so intricately tied to the women of this land, flowed through with potency and intention. It invites you to pause, create space, and receive with presence—even better with  a cup of cacao…

As you sit with this message, allow yourself to listen deeply. Let the words weave through your body and spirit, inviting you to explore, reclaim, and transform the stories of shame you carry.

Would love to hear how it lands with you


Please check out Claire’s upcoming workshops & events on this topic:

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Vivienne Dempsey
Vivienne Dempsey
Articles: 80