
Month September 2024


For years now I have shamed / The pieces of me that they named / As unworthy, not enough / Too loud, untamed / I stand tall now / No longer hidden / By all they shamed / And said was forbidden


So hush the voice that says you're wrong / You're in the place where you belong / For in your care, your child will thrive / You’re more than enough, and you will survive

The Unloved Lover

his book has to remain unwritten, unread, unnoticed, / Because his name could not be on the cover. / Author Unknown ~ / The name of the book? / Is it not clear? / Can’t you see? / It’s all about love & all things queer / And not being seen for fear / Of Shame.

Shaking off Shame

Navigating shame can be a challenge as we unravel the many layers of it buried within us, but it can be done. Like all of our emotions, it carries a signal and message and points us towards the places within that may be lacking our compassion, acceptance and empathy. It calls us into deeper wholeness, inviting us to meet the parts of ourselves that need us most.