Jonathan Finn

Meet Jonathan

My name is Jonathan Finn and I’m a Clinical & Spiritual Hypnotist based in Co. Galway, Ireland.

I work Online with people from Ireland and all around the world, empowering them to become the happiest, healthiest, most integrated version of themselves.

This journey can range from letting go of old traumas, fears, habits or behaviours; to assisting in self-discovery, deep inner healing or spiritual exploration and connection.

I am honoured to help others experience profound change and healing as a Certified Practitioner of the following modalities:

  • Clinical Hypnosis 
  • Quantum Journeys Hypnosis (QJH)
  • Past Life Regression
  • 13th Octave LaHoChi (Energy Healing)
  • QHHT Level 2 (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Soul Speak – The Language of Your Body

Contact Jonathan Finn


Phone/WhatsApp: 083-2083567

Facebook:  JonathanFinnHypnosis

Instagram: JonathanFinnHypnosis