Enric Muniente

Meet Enric Muniente

Hello everybody. First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by and reading my profile.

I was born and raised in Barcelona where I studied acupuncture and naturopathy and earned my diplomas 26 years ago. More recently I earned a a diploma in Naturopathy here in Ireland. 

I also trained in Vietnam with Dr. Nguyễn Tài Thu, among others. I earned a certificate in the use of acupuncture for substance abuse at Lincoln Hospital in New York. I have continued to refine my acupuncture practice by attending acupuncture courses in London, Dublin and Spain, including craneo-acupuncture and acupuncture for emotional trauma. 

I am a registered nurse in both Spain and Ireland with vast experience in the health care field.

In addition to my nursing and acupuncture studies and experience, I earned a diploma as a shamanic practitioner, studying with Aldo Jordan in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

I had the opportunity of studying acupuncture directly with Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi and his disciples in Barcelona, where I was taught an acupuncture method used by the old Chinese Masters. It is here where I have learnt how to interpret the Chinese pulses and how to translate them into the acupuncture points.

As the seasons changes our energy changes. That is the law of Tao. It is not the same to treat a person in winter as it is in summer, spring or autumn. As the saying goes, men and women are in between Heaven and Earth and we are influenced by them.

It is difficult to make a list of the pathologies that acupuncture can treat. Precisely, treating pathologies is not the aim of acupuncture. Yes, acupuncture can help with migraines, sinusitis, pains of different origin, menstrual disorders, etc.

However, my goal is to treat every person individually according to the season we are in and according to the very moment.

Among the many acupuncture techniques I practice, I have developed a technique that I describe as Shamanic Acupuncture. This technique consists in combining acupuncture treatment with different kinds of drumbeats. Every meridian and organ, for example, has different frequencies. Knowing the organ or meridian that is imbalanced, and drumming accordingly, can return the balance. As many of you know the beat of the drum can transport our intention and the intention of the therapist is crucial to the treatment, as shamans old and new know.

Most Irish health care plans cover acupuncture treatments, including Aviva, Laya, Irish Life Health, VHI, Glo Health and HSF Health Plan. 

Thank you very much for having the patience to read the above and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my treatments or if you want to book one.

Clare Acupuncture Clinic

Enric Muniente‘s Clare Acupuncture clinic is located in the mountains amid the rural environment of Glendree in East County Clare. to make an appointment call : 087-360-55-90

For more information see Enric’s website – Clare Acupuncture