How did it get to this?
You’ve been neglecting your duties, sailing with your hands off the wheel. Who mans the ship?
Avoidance swabs the deck.
Unacceptance boatswains about.
Resistence hoists the mains.
But why gloss the outards when darkness foibles amidst the hull.
How does one expect to fly full mast, even-keeled and high heeled when we’re all in knots?
Every stride wades into a turgid pile of complication. All about us any step all direction laces our boots in confusion. Where to next?
Hit the deck.
I don’t understand.
No point standing under your dilemmas, under OR over. You give away your power or you disrespect with your neglect. Stand within the mess. Time to address. Get to know the patterns that have you in knots. Fear not the fray. Slowly unravel. Bit by bit you reel it in. Order in sight you feel the win. Complicated process no doubt but don’t let ugly whispers win out.
Don’t keelhaul yourself over a barnacled belly.
Eventually you will reach critical mass, a mess no more, even keeled sailing into the wind. Afraid no more to get lost at sea. Embrace the squall, resist not choppy motion. You’re tethered now. Cleats and pilings fastened