Womb of Creation: Story, Writes of Passage & the Cauldron of Mystery


Fri, February 17 2023
5.30 PM – 7.30 PM GMT
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM MST

Experience the Embodied Power of Storytelling and a writes of passage adventure into the Womb of Creation and the Cauldron of Mystery.

Join Stasha Ginsburg of The Wild Matryoshka for a living experience of wild remembering through the power of storytelling, myth, poetry and life story writes of passage processes. This month’s Story Seasoning is “Womb of Creation.” Here we find ourselves within the within. In between Winter and Spring (in the N. Hemisphere). What is being born through you, or perhaps, better said, how are you birthing yourself from out of the womb of your own creation.

Hildegard Von Bingen, the 13th Centurey Mystic said it best in her poem,

O virga mediatrix / Alleluia-verse for the Virgin

Alleluia! light
burst from your untouched
womb like a flower
on the farther side
of death. The world-tree
is blossoming. Two
realms become one.

Imbolc Season, is the seasonal mystery of womb tending. We listen for that which is stirring below the surface. Every woman is an embodied mystery, and through our bodies, our active listening and sensing we can navigate the power of story within and without. Some stories connect us to the ecology of wonder, not disconnected from the mycelial networks that move beneath the soil, beneath the soul, beneath the surface of place, connecting each of us to nature, body, imagination and mystery.

This playshop is an opportunity to take a step out of the rational and into the liminal, into the creative, into the imaginal and wander into wonder. Ceridwen’s Cauldron is a catalyst for re-awakening and re-kindling wonder, for birthing the fire within and/or reconnecting to the voice of Eros within and without.

Stasha will tell Ceridwen’s tale, and then facilitate the small, intimate group with a series of Writing prompts, 3-7 minutes in length. These processes were developed by Stasha during her Individualized MA process in Transformative Language Arts. Stasha believes that writing and/or storytelling has the power to facilitate change and transformation -within and without. 

The process is held ethically and with reverance and gentle tending for safety and vulnerability in presence, witnessing, listening and sharing. 

You are invited to explore the power of story and writing processes for inner growth, change, inspiration and nourishment. 

Guidelines will be sent prior to our gathering. Recordings and materials from online process will be sent following the journey. If you cannot make it at the time of event, please do consider joining anyway, and journey the process in your own time.

This is the first in a series of 13 Storytelling/Writes of Process Journeys that Stasha will be facilitating in 2023/2024.

Tix for the Womb of Creation are only $22 USD
