Tibetan Bon Workshop

With Mary Sky


July 10th – August 28th 8pm

Tibetan Bon Yoga✨️
6 week course.

We have a wonderful new offering beginning-

July 10th – August 28th

This will be a 6 week course with @maryskywalker13345

If you are already a member or have a pass for Cork Lotus Yoga, you can receive €15 off discount.

Code is: member15


Bon is an ancient system of spiritual teachings . Vast and rich, ranging from ancient rituals to maintain harmony with self and environment. To physical and dream yoga to Dzogchen, which is recognition of the true nature of the mind. The practices guide toward self reflection and realization. It is an ancient yet thriving tradition handed down through an unbroken lineage for thousands of years.

In this vein Mary Sky will offer the teachings of the Tibetan yoga of tsa Lung, 9 breathings of purification and healing Sounds from this tradition. Mary has been studying and practicing, under the guidance of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for nearly 20years.  These practices are for beginners and advanced alike and can benefit any existing yoga practice.   

Booking is open now!