The Return Sessions
(9 week)


April 1, 2023, 7-9pm GMT
(11am-1pm PST)

Rewilding the Light: return sessions (writes of passage/life story/poetry/mythopoetic medicine)

(W)rites of Passage: Rewild the Light: The Return Sessions
A 9 week creative writing story retrieval

“To follow Story is to understand the path of healing. Each of our stories is a universe. Each one of us is living a story. To discover its shape and essence is essential to soul making.” Deena Metzger

What stories are inside you longing to be cracked open and set free? What stories are you pregnant with? What stories are emerging? Follow the Light. From out of the bulb. Rewild the old story into a trillium in spring.

We will cook and be cooked by the Cauldron of Story. We adventure through story, imagination, place & memory, self and the human condition.. You will hunt and be hunted by the power of story. Like a wooden nesting doll, you too are a universe of stories. 

Through creative journaling and autobiographical writings, poetry and mythopoetic meanderings you will break open story after story to reveal what is inside. We will seek bone truths, bone knowings, and the cracks where we he light seeps in. We will be tempered by the elements within as the Story Weaver weaves our stories into new tapestries. Perhaps some threads will be taken mysteriously away. Perhaps other threads will transform from black to red or gold. Perhaps she becomes the weaver, the story alchemist, the story elixir. 

You will become more intimate with your personal authority and knowing through embodied writing experiences, navigating the center where light and shadow dance. As you write your way to the center, your story grows wings, and emerges. More whole, more free. It also grows roots. The medicinal kind.

Participants will 

*dive into a mythopoetic life story writing intensive that will amplify creativity & voice
*become more disciplined in your creative writing practice.
*receive dynamic writing prompts, art & inspirations
*receive one-on-one email mentorship & support 
*generate new material in the form of poems, stories, vignettes, journal entries
*dive into one of your writings/stories more deeply. you will become more intimate with this story and craft it into a monologue or short story or personalized creative project
*be in a safe, creative sanctuary with others. you will witness, be witnessed and share
*write like an alchemist, a tiger and a weaver.
*listen like an ocean
*attend a live, weekly 2 hour writing/story circle on zoom
*transform yourself and your relationship to story through story

**depending on group interest, we may generate a finished product together –such as a published book of poetry and writings
***(optional) discounted Tarot Life Story Sessions 

April 1, 2023 — (9 weekly sessions)
Online Zoom, Writes of Passage & Expressive Arts Processes
11:00 am – 1:00 pm (pacific time) // 7-9pm Irish Time
Sliding $ 250 – 350 usd

To book:

For more information, contact
IG @thewildmatryoshka // FB The Wild Matryoshka //