The Creative Spark

Mynd, Bray, Co. Dublin

Sun Apr 21st 2:30pm – 4pm

Sun Apr 21st 2:30pm – 4pm at Mynd, 5 Albert Walk, Bray

Price: Earlybird €29 until April 1st, €33 thereafter

This is a workshop, a sacred container and a playground for your Soul in honour of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction happening around April 2024

These Archetypes together signal a potent time of creative possibilities, big and surprising change, all sorts of creative births and even new revolutionary paradigms

We will come together to explore and harness this creative potential within ourselves, opening to what is asking to be born through us at this time and liberating ourselves from old ways and outdated limitations that might be stifling our creativity. The workshop will include:

  • · Teaching from psychology and astrology about this archetypal energy and creativity in general
  • · Embodied practices
  • · Interactive and playful exercises
  • · Guided meditation
  • · Closing circle

The intention of this workshop is both a ritual container to connect with the power of the Astrological transits we are in at this moment, and to offer a safe place for a personal adventure of self-discovery in a supportive community. Participants will receive:

  • · Time out in a nourishing Soul playground
  • · Deeper connection with Self and increased Self-awareness
  • · Connection to others in a Soulful space
  • · Insight into the planetary archetypes and how this astrology might be impacting their lives
  • · Discover and release personal blocks to creative freedom
  • · Time to play
  • · Reclaimed joy

To ensure a safe and intimate space where everyone is supported the group number will be limited to 13, booking is essential

Book your space here