The Ancestors Song Retreat

Informational Live on July 2nd | Hosted by Shannon & Samara

Bryn y Bodau, Crmru, Wales,

August 8th-12th

This is a Dream come true to be inviting you to join us in the South West of Wales this August for ‘The Ancestors Song’ Sacred Song & Sweat Lodge Journey for Women

Weaving the red threads of blood and bone, with a ceremonial journey at Lughnadsha in Cymru – Bryn y Bodau , The Hill of Flowers in Welsh.  This is a space to listen to the lineage in your line to honour those who have walked this path before you. Come gather round the Hearth. Sing in the Native Mother Tongue of Éiriú and Cymru. Reweave the threads of these ancient sounds. 

Come and receive songs from these lands as we come together to harvest the hazel, weave our prayer bundles, listen to the Hearth and Hearts of one another.

Together we will weave the lodge with hazel, willow and love, a place to sweat our uncried tears and prayers into the earth.

We welcome you with open arms to a special place to pray and honour the ancient ones of blood and bone.

This will be a deep journey of ancestral connection, clearing and remembrance. For this reason we have decided to create an application form.

More about the vision for the ‘Ancestors Song’ . . .

“Weaving the Mother Tongues of Ireland and Wales with the threads of  Land, Lineage and Longing”

Samara and Sionnáin  welcome you to gather round the Hearth on the beautiful lands of Cymru for a special weaving of song, prayer and land connection.

This is a space to come home to your true soul’s essence.

To meet your inner depths and the Heart of the prayer you walk with as a daughter and guardian of the Earth. 

We are calling upon 13 women who resonate with deepening their relationship to their sovereign inheritance as a daughter of the land and a woman of the Blessed Emerald Isles. 

(This journey is particularly aimed towards those who are living on the “Blessed Emerald Isles’ ‘ and in relationship with Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales at this time and or who’s ancestry is woven with these lands.) 

The land where we will gather is a wild, magical place to dream, to dance, to play and connect with other women and to deepen in relationship to the power of sound and song in the native languages of Gaeilge, Irish and Welsh. 

Samara and Sionnáin are the two guides and women facilitating this gathering in Wales.

Their bond blossomed some years ago in a lodge where they were singing songs from Eire and Cymru this weaving of the lands and the tribes is at the core of the calling to gather in this way at this time. 

It is felt that when we unite to spend time tending to the roots of our lineages, through song and land based ways of living and being we come into deeper relationship and connection to the land and lineage of our ancestors. 

Over 3 days and 4 nights we will gather beneath the growing Harvest Moon to land into the earth that is our bodies and to co-create a ceremonial space to open ourselves to be in communion with the elements and to honour the ancestors who have come and gone before us, as well as the children on the earth and the ones yet to come. 

Together we will move through the ways in which we can come together and prepare the ground to be in deep communion with the elements through a Soul Songs Spirit Lodge. 

As we prepare the lodge together we will weave in the songs to our tasks together, and under the moon will light the need fire of our longing that heats the stones , the bones of the land, to join us  in this lodge of belonging .. Seeking the seeds of our dreams that we are invited to begin to dance in to life the following day

As we gather the hazel, the waters and wisdom of the elements to build a beautiful lodge together as a community we will honour, pray and celebrate the gift of being on the Earth at this time, as well as  praying for the support needed to move through the challenges we  face and  seeking  guidance from our well and wise ancestors of blood and of bone, spirit and stone.

Songs of  Éiriú (Ireland) and Cymru (Wales) will stitch, knit and weave  the prayers and offerings together , song by song remembering our lineages through our blood and our bones returning to the wholesomeness of who we are. Samara has over three decades of experience journeying in Sweat Lodges – both sitting in lodges and apprenticing with three lineages, and offering several community lodges over the past five years. We will be crawling into the womb lodge of the Mother Earth together, in communion with the elements, receiving the blessings of the fire heated ancestor stones and the pure source water of the earth and sky as they join in union, becoming the steam that rises and carries  the songs of our prayers. Sionnáin will be carrying the songs from Éiriú and will be a presence to support with the weaving of each woman bringing forth her souls song woven with her ancient connection to her lineage, landscape and ancestry of both blood and bone. With her deep connection to the waters and being a part of lots of ceremonies including many lodges over the past number of years, her Heart is singing to be bridging the ancient wisdom of the mother tongues of these old lands of Cymru and Éiriú. It was on this magical land that she first sat in a lodge and experienced the power of singing in her native language together with Samara singing in Welsh that she truly felt and received the power of singing ones prayers with the presence of the elements woven together with such reverence. 
We will both be offering a LIVE sharing on Tuesday the 2nd of July at Noon –  about this special weaving ‘ The Ancestors Song’ this will happen via Instagram and you can tune in with us via my social media channel Shannon Soul Sounds – if you’re not on Instagram. The recording will also be present and available live after for the call – and can also be found on the Well Mama Instagram page. If you have any questions you would like to ask me directly please feel welcome to reach out via email. 
Transport wise traveling from Ireland, one could either take the ferry on foot and or fly. Support can be arranged to assist in you making your way to the land in Pembrokeshire, so please let us know if this is applicable to you. 

With Reverence & Rivers of Grá,  
& Samara

Shannon Soul Sounds 

How to claim your space: