Shamanic Heart HealingCeremony

Whitethorn Tea

Holly Cottage Holistic Centre, Co.Cork, P12HX92

Febuary 9th 7pm-9.15pm

Shamanic Whitethorn Tea Heart Healing Ceremony 

Our native Whitethorn Tree , has powerful heart healing properties, both on a physical and emotional level, it can serve to bring healing and balance and openness to our spiritual hearts .Our ancestors knew the power of this medicine , and you can experience the power of the spirit and the medicine of this sacred tree yourself ,  through indoor shamanic journeys ,ceremony & ritual .

The evening will unfold so you will experience 

💫The First  Shamanic journey to  connect with the spirit of the Whitethorn medicine 

💫Rituals to deepen connection to the medicine 

💫Intention setting for Heart Healing

💫A second Shamanic journey to heal the Heart to let go of people , grief , heartache ,disappointment etc 

💫Singing & Chanting 

💫Cleansing & purification rituals

💫Journaling Space & reflection 

Mel is a Certified Trained Facilitator in Whitethorn Tea Ceremonies & is A Certified Trance Medium & Healer .

Mels medicine incorporates many healing modalities.

The Whitethorn Tea that is used in the ceremonies is sensitively gathered and prepared with intention and love .The trees that offer the medicine are on the Land at Holly Cottage Holistic Center, it’s ancestral land , no pesticides are used by Mel on the land .

Numbers Are Limited to 10 participants only

€33  per person 

   Friday 9th February 7-9 :15pm 

Just in time before St Valentines Day !! 

Experience the powerful transformative healing for yourself at The Whitethorn Tree ceremony at Holly Cottage Holistic Center.

To book you can whattsapp for enquiries or go direct to paying 

086 8032138