Sacred Seeds: Imbolc Manifestation Workshop

Online Event

The wheel of the year turns once more and we find ourselves at Imbolc, the ancient Celtic festival marking the early signs of spring,  a time for new beginnings. Imbolc, nestled between the darkness of winter and the promise of spring, is a time of awakening, renewal, and the perfect moment to set intentions and plant the seeds for the year ahead. Just as the Earth begins to awaken and bloom, so too can we harness this energy to cultivate our own growth and aspirations. Imbolc invites us to reflect on the lessons learned during the introspective winter months and use this wisdom to set meaningful goals for the coming year. It’s a time to plant the seeds of intention that will blossom into the fruit of our dreams.

About the Event: 

Join me for a magical morning of connection, introspection, and manifestation as we celebrate the ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc. We will connect with Goddess Brigid as we honor the returning light, the stirring of life beneath the Earth, and the first signs of nature’s rejuvenation. This is an auspicious time to initiate fresh starts and set the stage for the year ahead.

What to Expect:

Grounding meditation: We will ground into the space and create a bubble for us to go within.

Reflection on the past year: How have you grown? What lessons did you learn along the way?

Get clear on your goals: Craft a list of your deepest desires.

Find your blocks: Become radically honest with yourself. What limiting beliefs, shame, or pain are holding you back?

Tap through limiting beliefs: We will use EFT tapping to work through these limiting beliefs and uncover your blind spots.

Cacao / Tea Ceremony: We will go on a journey to honor the past year, release anything that no longer serves us and plant the sacred seeds (our goals) for the year ahead

Book your place here or reach out to @mindsetmedicinewithkathryn for more info.