Psychic Medium Training

With Mel Murphy

Holly Cottage, Cork

July 27th & 28th

Foundation in Psychic Mediumship Training
JULY 27th & 28th 10-6pm

NEW In this unique Two Day Foundation Training in Psychic Mediumship (Oracle card Reading & Foundational steps in Basic Mediumship ), you will gain knowledge , tools , tips ,practise ,expansion ,and insight into your Psychic Mediumship abilities .

Training Day One

Psychic Oracle Card Reading

  • We will have an overview on what a psychic medium is , and the divination tools they use .
  • Day one ,You will attune to your spirit team & the main focus will be working with Your psychic senses and beginners oracle card reading .You will learn To Attune to your Oracle Deck , and learn techniques in getting the most out of the Oracle cards you have .
  • You will learn how to Prepare to use your Divination tools .
  • How to use your oracle decks to optimise their potential
  • How to receive yes / no answers from your guides through your oracle decks .
  • How to answer the most frequently asked questions , romance , career, etc , using your oracle decks .Training Day Two
  • Mediumship Exploration and Unfoldment
  • We will Focus on learning and expanding your knowledge of the Spirit world , what happens when we die , what an evidential mediumship reading is , what is sitting in the power , and how to Sit in the power , what a private sitting is , what a link to spirit is .
  • You will learn about psychic perception through the Psychic senses , and will understand terms such as
  • clairvoyance ,
  • Clair cognisance
  • Clair sentience etc .

You will begin developing your skills as a intuitive & a medium , by connecting to Spirit Loves One’s yourself , in a guided Journey, under the tutelage of spirit as channelled by Mel whilst Mel is in a trance State .

Booking your space:

  • Whatsapp: 0868032138 to book
  • €100 deposit non refundable non transferable
  • €222 investment .payable through PayPal or bank transfer .
    All welcome , this foundation course is a pre requisite for the mentorship program commencing in August thank you 🙏