Healing Your Inner Child Workshop

Embark on a Journey to Rediscover Your Inner Child

Hub D, Egan Business Centre, Upper Dragle Rd, Bray, Co.Wicklow

October 21st at 10 am
till 4pm

Healing the Inner Child – An Introductory Lesson

Date: 21st Oct 23

Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Duration: 6 hours (including breaks)

Facilitators: Siân William and Niall Munnelly

Workshop Outline:

Welcome, and Introduction Circle

Welcome participants and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Participants introduce themselves briefly.

Explain the workshop’s purpose and the importance of a safe space.

Cacao Ceremony 

Conduct a cacao ceremony to set a heart-centered intention.

Share the history and significance of cacao.

Invite participants to set their intentions for the workshop.

Grounding Exercise 

Lead a grounding exercise to bring participants into the present moment.

Introduction to Inner Child Healing 

Briefly introduce the concept of inner child healing.

Explain the importance of this work in personal growth.

Understanding the Inner 

Define the inner child concept.

Discuss how childhood experiences shape adult emotions and behaviors.

Exploring Childhood Imprints 

Guide participants through a reflection exercise.

Participants recall and record significant childhood memories.

The Healing Process 

Explain the steps involved in healing the inner child.

Emphasize the ongoing nature of this process.

Guided Inner Child Meditation 

Lead a guided meditation for participants to reconnect with their inner child.

Allow time for silent reflection.

Journaling and Sharing 

Participants journal about their meditation experience and insights.

Optional sharing of experiences.

Tips for Integrating Inner Child Healing 

Offer practical suggestions for integrating healing into daily life.

Q&A and Discussion 

Open the floor for questions and discussion.

Encourage participants to share challenges and rewards.

Closing and Reflection 

Summarize key takeaways from the workshop.

Express gratitude to participants.

Invite participants to reflect on their personal journey ahead.

We are committed to creating a safe and transformative experience for all participants. We will ensure that the space is set up appropriately, and any required materials will be provided.

Warm regards,

Siân @ https://satnamtherapy.com/
