Emotional MANagement & Inner Child Healing Workshop

Jonathan Finn will be facilitating this FREE Online Workshop as part of “More-vember”


27th November, 7-9pm GMT

βœ… “Emotional Management & Inner Child Healing” πŸ™

βœ… Jonathan Finn will be facilitating this FREE Online Workshop as part of “More-vember”, a month dedicated to Men’s health issues πŸ™

βœ… This Workshop will provide you with easy, highly-effective tools that you can use anywhere, anytime to quickly change your emotional state 🎯

(Imagine being able to greatly reduce or eliminate your stress, anxiety or anger levels in less than 1 minute?)

βœ… You will experience a powerful, guided hypnotic experience allowing you to let go of negative emotional baggage you’ve been holding onto 🎯

βœ… Finally, you will connect with your Inner Child to bring them peace, security and profound healing πŸ§’

βœ”οΈ Everyone has an Inner Child. 

This part of you often carries some form of pain or trauma experienced in childhood, which can continue affecting you in adult life 

βœ”οΈ By working to release this old pain or trauma, there is great potential for a ripple effect of healing to occur, often resulting in improved emotional well-being πŸ™

βœ… The only requirements for this Workshop are:

β€’ A pen & paper

β€’ A quiet, comfortable place to sit or lay down

βœ… Ready to learn how to manage & change negative emotional states & let go of any old emotional baggage that’s been holding you back? πŸ’ͺ

βœ… Visit the Link in Bio now to sign up for the Workshop πŸ™

** 🚨 To all the women reading this, please share this Workshop with the men in your life! 🚨 **


Join @saoroexperience  & @menrisingtogether for More-vember & learn more about men’s work, stories of men’s healing themselves, brotherhood and families. We’ll be doing IG lives, sharing  & celebrating individual & collective, & will be organising a men’s gathering at the end of the month


#jonathanfinnhypnosis #morevember #menshealthawareness #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #depressionawareness #grouphypnosis #happymindhappylife #hypnosis #hypnosisgalway #hypnosisireland #onlinehypnosis #hypnotherapy #subconscious #unconsciousmind #mindbodyconnection #mindfulness #changeyourlife #hypnosisworks #mentalhealth #mindovermatter #selfcare #bepresent #happiness #wellness