A Quiet Voice

Presents a Creativity Workshop by Colin Ward

Alltar Holistic Centre, Linenhall St., Castelbar, Co.Mayo

July 8th and 9th 10.30am till 5pm

The Irish School of Shamanic Studies & Alltar Holistic Centre Linenhall street, Castlebar, Co Mayo proudly presents a two day workshop….Creativity is a sacred act with very positive effects on our physical and inner wellness. However many in modern life feel disconnected from it or feel that they are not capable of creating. Many of us remember being creative or curious as children but something went awry as an adult as we made compromises to our creative dreams. Often our upbringing, school teachings, culture, or individuals in our past can be hostile to that childlike Creative and leave us, as adults, disconnected from many of the passions that make our life vibrant. 

From Shamans to Poets: Confronting Blocks to Rediscover Sacred Creativity is a two day workshop designed to identify and take on our inner blocks to the creative life. It involves investigating our habits and limiting beliefs that keep us cut off from our creative flow and confronting areas of our past that need healing. This workshop teaches and uses holistic and shamanic techniques to confront blocks to creativity. It looks to identify personal areas of creative blocks and confront them using contemporary and shamanic methods like wellness, meditation, soul retrieval, etc. 

The cleansing creativity workshop is ideal for people who feel they were not born to be creative or look longing at others who have a creative outlet. Even “creative people” can have negative cycles that limit their flow – like writers in a writing-block or artists who are shying from blank canvases. At the end of the workshop you will be more aware of your limiting beliefs, negative habits, etc and equipped with methods to spark creativity in many areas of your life. 

All materials included. Booking essential. Total cost €160. €60 Deposit required to secure your place. Full payment required on the day of workshop. No experience necessary.

For bookings and questions please contact the workshop facilitator, Colin Ward, at 087 940 1248 or by email: aquietvoicemedia@gmail.com.