Land Healing – Unravelling Shame

As part of the Unravelling Shame series in September 2024, we are encouraging everyone to offer land healing this month….

Siân Williams @satnamtherapy has offered the steps she follows for this beautiful practice. 

Doing a land healing ritual can help restore balance, clear negative energy, and honor the natural elements of a place. 

### 1. **Set Your Intention**

– Before beginning, decide what you want to achieve through the land healing.Ground yourself and get clear on your purpose.

### 2. **Connect with the Land**

– Spend time on the land, observe the surroundings, and feel the energy. Try to understand what the land might need by listening to the environment, whether through meditation or simply being present with nature.

### 3. **Cleanse the Space**

– **Smudging or Smoke Cleansing**: Light sage, palo santo, or another cleansing herb and walk around the perimeter of the land.

– **Sound**: Use bells, drums, or rattles to break up stagnant energy. Sound vibrations help clear negative energy and restore harmony.

### 4. **Offerings**

– **Natural Offerings**: Create an offering to the land by leaving natural materials like seeds, flowers, stones, or even a bit of your own harvested herbs. Ensure these offerings are biodegradable and safe for the ecosystem.

– **Gratitude**: Verbally express your gratitude to the earth for what it provides. This act of gratitude invites reciprocity and healing.

### 5. **Grounding Ritual**

– **Touch the Earth**: Sit or stand barefoot on the ground, allowing your body to connect with the earth’s energy. Imagine roots growing into the earth.

– **Breathing**: Focus on your breath, allowing each exhale to release stagnant or negative energy into the earth, and each inhale to draw in grounding and revitalizing energy

### 6. **Invite Elemental Energies**

– **Earth**: Acknowledge the soil, stones, and plants, asking for stability and grounding.

– **Water**: If there’s a natural water source, offer thanks and invite flow and healing.

– **Fire**: Light a candle or set an intention with the sun, inviting purification and transformation.

– **Air**: Feel the wind or breathe deeply, inviting clarity and inspiration.

### 7. **Closing the Ritual**

– Thank the land and the elements for participating in the healing.

Additionally you can see Vivienne’s video on Instagram about offering a healing to the land here: LAND HEALING

By Siân Williams

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

We’d love it if you’d join us on this journey to unravel shame.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Siân Williams
Siân Williams
Articles: 26