Unravelling Shame

Many times we tell ourselves all these little things,
We look at situations saying ‘if it were me I would leave’.
But when it’s your reality it’s not so black and white,
For there’s a little voice inside that makes it hard to fight. 
It constantly reminds you of anything you have done wrong,
Picking you apart and planting seeds that don’t belong.
Seeds of fear and guilt that make you think ‘am I to blame?’
This sneaky little voice within says ‘hi my name is shame’.
Shame tells us we deserve the pain that we have faced,
It lives deep within our bodies and over time takes up more space
If we don’t release it, it will grow and grow and grow,
We must bring it forward and say ‘it’s time I let you go’. 
I see you and I feel you and I send you so much love,
But now you can go as it’s my time to rise above.
Above the fear that tells me to keep you hidden away,
The fear that says if you are seen then nobody will stay. 

Shame thrives in the shadows and feeds off of our fear,
When we learn to honour it is when it can be cleared. 

Poem by Jess Paget
@ _jesspaget_

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

We’d love it if you’d join us on this journey to unravel shame.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Jess Paget
Jess Paget
Articles: 4