Name it to Tame it

Shame, it lived inside of me,  
A silent weight I could not see.  
Each word, each wound, it took its place,  
A scar that hid behind my face.  

It whispered lies, it called my name,  
Made me believe I was to blame.  
But deep inside, a voice remained,  
A strength that couldn’t be contained.  

I spoke of the pain, I broke the seal,  
The wounds began, at last, to heal.  
It spilled like blood upon the land,  
No longer stained by someone’s hand.  

With every tear, I shed the past,  
The chains he forged no longer last.  
Through every breath, I now reclaim  
The self that lived beneath the shame.  

In breaking free, I’ve learned to grow,  
The seeds of love begin to show.  
No longer trapped by fear and lies,  
I rise anew, I claim the skies.

Poem by Siân Williams

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

We’d love it if you’d join us on this journey to unravel shame.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Siân Williams
Siân Williams
Articles: 26