
The shame, it whispers, “You’re no good”
The baby cries, and this is motherhood.
“Everyone can do it, so why can’t you?
You’re failing at what you’re supposed to do”

But shame, it lies, it always will,  
For motherhood’s a climb uphill.  
No perfect path, no easy guide,  
Just love that grows with every stride.  

The baby cries because they’re new,  
And learning, every day just like you.
Mistakes will come, but that’s the way  
That mothers learn, day after day.  

So hush the voice that says you’re wrong,  
You’re in the place where you belong.  
For in your care, your child will thrive,
You’re more than enough, and you will survive.  

Each tear you dry, each fear you tame,  
Is proof that you’re stronger than your shame.  
For motherhood is fierce and true,  
And no one does it quite like you.

Poem by Siân Williams

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

We’d love it if you’d join us on this journey to unravel shame.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Siân Williams
Siân Williams
Articles: 28