And She Removed the Cloak of Shame

Are you ready & willing to shed?
Can you feel the transformational fire spiraling up from the earth awakening your vessel to its fullest potential?
What will you create once you allow the element of fire to alchemize & purify?
Imagine all the space within, space to allow new invigorating light & joy-filled experiences to fill.

We are letting go.

We are no longer allowing narratives of stigma attached to shame and guilt to take up space at center stage. Enough. We are giving our shame shape, a voice, and we are offering it up as creation.
And letting it go.

We are using and raising our voices to reclaim our bodies, to reclaim our worthiness as earth magicians.
We are not fallen from grace, none of us, we never were. We are greater than their fears and judgements which cast us into isolation.
We are one with shadow, the underworld. It is here we birth new narratives.

We are not a disposable object. We are not our body shape or size. We are not a relationship status or degree. We are not our sexual endeavors. We are not our abortions. We are not our miscarriages. We are not the emotional abuse we have been victim to. We are not the self destructive behaviors we used as a means to cope. We are not our time incarcerated. We are not our wounds. We are not our losses. We are not our past. We are not our families. We are not the accumulation of stories we have been told or told to ourselves. We are not society’s expectations of us.

We are the moments of tenderness when we hold someone in a loving embrace. We are the homes we have made of our hearts. We are the kind words shared to uplift another. We are the roots of the ancient yew tree. We are the sound of our laughter. We are the ferocious protection of our loved ones. We are the intuitive moment we feel something is off with a friend and stay. We are the joy that survived. We are the smiles given without reason. We are the soothing cup of tea in a harsh world. We are the safe spaces someone needs to share their story. We are the prayers said & candles lit for someone in grief. We are the quiet moments in which we find the courage to not give up. We are what we create with our hands. We are the rising tides and thunder. We are the radiance reflected when we stop to admire a flower.

We are the alchemists.
We are the liberators.
We are the teachers.
We are the artists.
We are the lovers.
We are the warriors.

We are EVERYTHING we have created from chaos and destruction. Beautifully complete, brave, resilient beings. The ones who withstood fires, who turned pain and shame into compassion and acceptance. We are beyond an accumulation of words & gestures…
We are golden souls🌟
Believe this.
They have underestimated us, haven’t they?

Mary Magdalene was cast aside by the church, her powerful presence bound tightly in silence out of fear, as many of have been. Summon her to your side.

The awakening is underway. The time for authentic sisterhood and community with open arms of inclusion is now more than ever. All of you is welcome. Shame dies in safe spaces. It is true. We are co creating a living breathing change, one that will ripple infinitely. We are remembering and gathering the lost parts of ourselves, keep sifting through the stories. Though painful and turbulent we will rewrite the narrative. A golden narrative filled with hope, healing, and empowerment. Together.

We don’t need saving, we are not weak. And as each one of us unshackle from the past, the pain, the trauma and the shame keeping us from rising into divine flight… we pave the way for the future. One where we are all seen, heard, celebrated, validated, and witnessed as divine vessels of love, of life itself.

Writing from Róisín, Reflections of Gaia

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Róisín Reflections of Gaia
Róisín Reflections of Gaia
Articles: 1