Our Lady of Love

Our Lady of Love

I sit at the center of the trunk of the tree
Men and women sit in circle around me
Places to anchor and send my love 
It’s easier to go than to stay and feel it all
I know it’s not fair, you were only a kid
He didn’t know, but it’s bigger than him
For these wounds run deep, they’re engrained in us all
I’m sorry it’s come to this, but it too will fall

Fall like the tears, down from my face
The waters are cleansing when given space
The plants and the animals are here for support 
When we slow down and reach out it’s a magical boat
A boat to journey on the waves of the heart 
Crashing and smashing all violent and harsh
And soft and silky like a feather too
You have it all, no need for two

And with realisations we help others rise 
Put on your own oxygen mask before too wise 
At the end of the day it’s all about love
How to share it and feel it and receive from above
Receive from above and send it down to her 
For she is the mother whom we all love
Gracias Madre, go raibh maith agat a mháthair
Gaia Sofia and Éiru too

We are all threads in this tapestry of life 
Unraveling the stories, the truth and the lies
We have all the answers, don’t you remember
Don’t you see?
You’re the one you’ve been looking for you silly billy 
You’re the one, the time is now, it’s right here
Don’t doubt or you’ll miss it releasing that fear
We can’t change or fix them
Only help them along 
It’s hard to see them broken and lost from the song

So let’s sing and let’s dance
And let’s howl at the moon
The ancestors calling, remember the tune?
For him and for her
For me and for you 
We’re in this together, you feel that too?
Shiva, Ganesha and Buddha it’s true
That triskele is me
That triskele is you
Jesus and Mary
And Joseph too

Deep process is fun right?
Yes, this is our birthright 
Illuminate the darkness to bring in that bright light
We are lucky to be here 
All praise to the one
Resistance is futile 
Remember, it can be fun
Come back to the body
The earth and the breath
What we heal in ourselves 
Don’t doubt that it helps 

For we have the power 
To feel it all
For those who just couldn’t 
Buried deep in the soil 
The hunger, the hurt
An gorta mór
The famine is over
Let’s feast for them all
The wolf and the owl
And the jaguar too
Keep beating that drum man
I feel it too

As he kneels at the altar 
In reverence, with grace
We’re in this together 
We’re all the one face 
That face in the fire 
That flame has a name 
Let it burn, let it burn
The guilt and the shame
I know that it’s painful
I know that it hurts
But know that it’s softening 
And it’s not your to keep

Let the rain clear the sadness
For the little ones no more 
The cycles are ending 
It’s rotten to the core
There’s a new North Star now
March on brave soldiers 
And go with the flow
Let us sing together 
Sing each other home 

Poem by Gary Patterson

Join us in September 2024 for a series on Unravelling ShameIn this period between Lughnasadh and Samhain as we move from the light towards the darker half of the year, we invite you to join us to shine the light together into the darkness of the shame that we each carry.

We’d love it if you’d join us on this journey to unravel shame.

Contact @saoroexperience , @satnamtherapy or @michaelryan_thewayhome if you’ve questions or you’d like to get involved…

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Gary Patterson
Gary Patterson
Articles: 1