Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit of Cacao

Shamanic journeying is a deep crossing that we take…guided by intention and the spirit of the drum, protected by our spirit guides and ancestors and the plants we use. We journey into other realms for guidance, healing messages, gifts and information to help us in our daily lives. The drum creates a trance state, a relaxing and grounding medicine to enter these magical realms. 

I believe that a shamanic journey is unique to each of us. Personally I find it so beautiful to journey with a heart-opening medicine like cacao that’s deeply rooted in the ancients and the forest. When I guide groups or do an individual shamanic journey with cacao, we meet the medicine in a magical enchanted rainforest. To meet in a kind of cabin in the forest, roasting the cacao beans & letting the prayers go up to the ancestors in the sky is usually where the journey goes.There is often also a gift between you & the cacao – a gift to the individual even though it’s done in a group. For me, this is a very sacred space to meet the spirit of cacao and to talk and listen to the teachings of the special realms.

At the beginning of my training as a shamanic practitioner I found it a challenge to journey as I was so stuck in my mind – stuck in the limitations and expectations and what was going on around me. For someone who can be an over-thinker, it was hard for me to drop into my body and into my heart and to just let go. But then I began to connect with the spirit of Cacao and things changed: ritual and beauty, purpose and connection filled my life. The shamanic journey within with the spirit of Cacao had begun. 

These medicines of journeying and Cacao guided me into my heart’s core to see what lay beneath the ego, thoughts, limitations of the mind. They brought me to presence and stillness, allowed me to unlock my gifts, to heal myself with an open heart and gave me the will to continue to deepen this incredible journey within. They helped me to find the space to open my heart to the spirit of the drum and to let go. 

Together my spirit, the spirit of Cacao and the drums started to dance, to build and form a relationship. This relationship is growing stronger as we continue to learn, heal and grow together. In this container, gifts of the icaros have come through to honour the medicine and tell my story. The medicine songs tell all our stories and why we are here doing this work, to find our way home and help each other along the way. 

Oh spirit of cacao I will welcome you 
Oh spirit of cacao I honour you
Oh spirit of cacao I love you 
Oh spirit of cacao I honour you

Because your love is pure
So pure
Because your love is the key
In finding me

If I’m working with a different medicine, I would change it – so I’d sing “Oh spirit of rose”.

From the beginning when I found it hard to journey to now when journeys come at the most unexpected places and times— the most recent one was sitting outside a coffee shop listening to a song; then all of a sudden I had a deep journey back to a place 15 years ago. It was incredibly healing, beautiful and emotional. I’m extremely grateful to be open to receive these gifts. I had asked the medicine to teach me and the medicine listened.

There has been a lot of loss this year. Two uncles and a friend passed away, all in a short period of time to each other. I noticed a difference in my reaction than before this journey. I did not run from my feelings, but I was able instead to open my heart in strength and awareness. I was able to nurture and honour myself and others from a centred place, because this time I had the tools to hold myself. 

For me the shamanic journey within is ongoing day by day. This journey is now bringing me to Peru, to the university of the plants, to continue to learn and grow together to become one. I’m forever grateful to the spirit of cacao for helping me open the door to my heart. Thank you Cacao for your inspirations and love and truth. AHO

By Dionne Luby

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Dionne Luby
Dionne Luby
Articles: 3