Meet Men Rising Together

By Deirdre Gleeson

Saoro caught up with David Farrell recently to talk about Men Rising Together & some advice for men on their healing journey 

How did you & Patrick-Joseph meet?

Patrick-Joseph & I met in March 2020 through his cousin Alan. I joined Alan for a full moon swim in Low Rock in Portmarnock & we met & just clicked.

The conversation just sparked up between us about poetry, cigars, podcasts… 

Patrick-Joseph talked about how he lives his life on the lunar cycle; each month burning away past things & setting new intentions.

At that time there was about 10 or 15 of us there at Low Rock. Then there was 20, & it continued to expand & grow. And then Moonstock became a thing from Patrick-Joseph!

What was the origin of Men Rising Together?

Patrick-Joseph & I were at an event called Inward Bound with Darragh Stewart & Rob Coffey. We sat in the company of 25 men. The power of the medicine was in the word and the sharing circle.  Seeing those men open up authentically & in such a vulnerable space was powerful. Later that night we sat on the roof smoking a cigar & we talked about what we would do. 

We sat together in ceremony two weeks later, where I grieved the loss of men in my life through drug addiction, suicide & murder. The medicine told me to step deeper into men’s work

It was the combination of those 2  weekends telling us to do this work together.

What kind of activities do you do?

It’s hard to summarise what MRT does! – there’s a real mix of activities… Patrick-Joseph uses the Wim Hof method, I work with spoken word/poetry, but also aspects of counselling and psychotherapy from my studies – including relationship dynamics. We use small group work (triads, dyads), sacred combat, conscious confrontation in a safe place, clearing energy and so on. 

Do you have any advice for men on their healing journey? 

Go with what you know & what you know will grow. 

Use what you have & develop from there. 

Reach out to MRT or any of the men participating in these Instagram events during the month — whoever you are drawn to… 

Each man offers a different medicine, different energy, different background, different modalities – whatever you are drawn to. People are den to me through my addiction & sobriety, – people are sometimes drawn to Patrick-Joseph through his fighting, his family dynamic or his breathwork — we all have different essences, attributes, skill sets. There’s lots of different men working out there – so find the right person for you to do your work.

Join us for More-vember: MORE men’s healing this November…

Tune into Saoro & MRT during November & learn more about men’s work, stories of men healing themselves, their brotherhood & families. We’ll be doing IG lives, sharing & celebrating individual & collective, & will be organising a men’s gathering at the end of the month

For more info follow @saoroexperience & @menrisingtogether

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Deirdre Gleeson
Deirdre Gleeson
Articles: 84