Stirring the Seeds

Have you noticed the light? Here, the pink has been kissing the dawn. Soft, so soft, and at dusk, it also blushes. Especially in a desert, the light changes this time of year. She has a different clarity. A brightening hue. Tinged with Possibility. 

The halfway point between Winter and Spring is one of my favorite moments on the wheel of the year. Something Stirs. We still feel the deep descent and baring, dying, dark matter of Wintering. Shadow. And, there is a shift, a subtle stirring, a subtle quickening. It’s more noticeable in some areas that are not as deeply submerged in snow.

The first flowers begin to emerge. Crocuses, Daffodils. The new ewes are born and have their first taste of milk. The light increases more noticeably.

By Stasha Ginsburg

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Stasha Ginsburg
Stasha Ginsburg
Articles: 10