The Burren

From a craggy outcrop mesmerised by
shadows of empty clouds
scurrying to the Atlantic
reflection shimmering briefly over karst landscape
they return bountiful
laden down with rain that
dyes flagstones black until
sun warms to grey again

Black Head Majestic
pounding waves
gnawing the coast
with thunderous abandon
Seagulls hover in the wind
exhausted, famished
Unable to reach the solace of home

Close up
crevices and fissure reveal their miracle
pookie shaped orchids
the Brunet Rose delicately resilient
stark blue of Spring gentian
refugees from other places and time
transported and abandoned by ice
for us to marvel

Hazel a haven for the hare and fox
only shelter to be got
hard and wiry
a lean winter home
longed for summer
warmed by stone

Damp dank caverns swiftly overwhelm
torrential underground rivers swell
cascading in winter
receding in summer
revealing hidden caves
once a home for bears

Poulnabrone Dolmen
Magnificent portal tomb
Rises above stone roots
Megalithic monster
Commemorates the Neolithic dead

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Joan Hardiman
Joan Hardiman
Articles: 4