Prayer to Medusa

My beautiful Medusa
Raped and hurled from temple
Let your voice be heard again

When movement feels
Too tender, too monstrous
It is safer
To be stone-maker.
No suffering there
Just a still ache
And bony grey dreams

Show me your bruises and your breaks
Let your voice be heard again

Welcome back my friend
Come, eat the tail of your pain
Let’s form sacred circle
Feed endings to beginnings
And start to sing again

Show me the cold flame of your rage
Let your voice be heard again

Welcome back temptress
Welcome back apple giver
Show me what is possible
There is no destruction here
Only knowledge
Bring me to my tree
And let me eat

Show me your passion and your pain
Let your voice be heard again

Let us unwind our bandages
And reveal that thing
That does not freeze itself
In its own mirror

Let the torment of your snake hair hiss
Let it writhe then shed its skin
Let your voice be heard again
Let your voice be heard again

Images: JR Korpa, Marianna Smiley

Words: Deirdre Gleeson

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Deirdre Gleeson
Deirdre Gleeson
Articles: 84