Mary Sky

Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose….

 Awakenings- although not at once awakenings but a coming together of things known and a courage to live them through, no matter what. 

Small inconsequence finding no refuge in big mind topple from their perch, ego laden with stuff of no use. Layers peeling away. Looking, finding, that dark place, deep, deep inside and bringing eyes open, love, light and compassion as the dark spot fades away. And then the layers of resisted thought forms; forms of lacking and fears of being alone. Forms of being forgotten and of not being worth much – how absurd. Reflections in the heart / mind of others fears…Trembling’s as my body; through inviting, releases – no more resisting that which is no more. Such turbulence and exhaustion from living the lie, living the twist. That twisted love that holds onto that which is now nothing. No joke this San Pedro being, this energy. Trembling’s through this body – conscious energy making its way into and out of all at the same time……. Energetic communications with the environment, the surroundings the earth, river, plants, all communicating with me. I am fearful, but not always and when i am not, it dances.

 The only true hunger and thirst is a spiritual hunger and thirst, a Shaman once told me this. Kindness is the King Insight the hero, Humour the vehicle, Strength and unwavering trust the Shamans way. Kindness comes in many guises even what seems cruel can be kind given in the right place and in the right dose. There is no hiding from anything All is written all over our faces etched into our energy bodies and through to our cells to our souls until we are big enough strong enough to admit these hidden places these hidden traces are indeed belonging to ourselves and not to the unsuspecting other standing there available for all our unowned projections. Nothing is hidden nothing is lost once we know this hiding is no longer an option. 

Open to the dark places Surrender to light. Innocence arises spontaneously from where it has always been obscured behind the lie…. Death dances its hungry dance into and out of our cells until no more can we manage its heaviness its harshness it’s lie choosing life’s breath we die coming alive then to beauty in all things.

Mary Sky

This is by way of an introduction to Mary Sky, her full bio can also be seen on her website which you are welcome to peruse

About — Dancing the Worlds

Many things have changed and evolved since writing that piece, written one bright morning in the Sacred valley in Peru. More later;

Vivienne has asked me to be a contributor to this new community site and I am delighted to be here.

I consider myself, at this stage of my life, to be a guide, a wayshower. In this 3D world I present at times as a Mother, more recently a Grandmother. A Healer, a Medicine woman. Sometimes nothing at all when I take the time to roam the hills of this beautiful island and to dip in the Ocean. I enjoy those times of being no one, going nowhere. Here is where we can really encounter our true selves, our true nature. 

Should you find yourself struggling with old, outdated patterns of thinking and behaviours, then you have popped on the right place. I can certainly assist you with seeing the ways that you create these patterns yourself and why! And then assist in travelling with you to release and evolve beyond these patterns. Having been on the path myself for many years, and I continue on this never-ending story, my passion is in seeing you evolve and in leaving behind those outdated structures and to help you find your unique way and truth. 

My work with the Sacred Plant medicines of South America has, over the past 16 years been pivotal to my own life and evolution, to which I am eternally grateful. Along with the Tibetan teachings from the Nyingma schools of Dzogchen and more recently, ie the past 16 years the Tibetan Bon teachings and practices. I now offer these medicines along with annual retreats to Peru to work there with the Maestras and Maestros from the Shipibo tribe. 

During these trips and retreats in Ireland, where I combine the Tibetan teachings along with my own learnt experiences, Breathwork, somatic intelligence, trauma informed healing and more, these retreats and trips have become more and more popular over the years, where participants see and feel clearly for themselves the possibilities in personal development and growth.

In these chaotic yet exciting times that we are navigating Saoro is a wonderful contribution to the creation of community and interconnectedness. Community and interconnectedness is the way, is the path and as we begin to heal ourselves, come to a recognition of wholeness in ourselves, we can then begin to see the possibility of community, familial, ancestral and global healing. The possibilities are endless. 

If you feel I can assist you in any way on your path please, don’t hesitate to connect with me via my website…

Contact Mary Sky

Read more of Mary Sky’s work here on Saoró

Mary Sky

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Mary Sky
Mary Sky
Articles: 17