
I started my journey with Cacao nearly four years ago. This beautiful medicine has transformed my life and continues to do so. Its a never ending magical experience of learning and connecting with the spirit of Cacao.

 My journey with Cacao began slowly and proceeded steadily over the last two years. It has been an intensely beautiful journey. Over time our connection has grown and deepened, we got to know each other by sitting in ceremony together every morning. 

My morning ritual with the spirit of Cacao contains some of the most sacred and special moments of my life. The truth, love and peace that comes through in our space together is too beautiful to describe, it is felt. Of course it is personal for us all. 

The spirit of cacao helped me heal so much, and this journey is for life. She holds me when I need it the most and gives me guidance to see through the fear, to see what’s beneath, and that is simply love.

 The spirit of cacao has held space for me to unlock my creativity, strength and courage. To get out of my own way, break through the limitations of the mind and let the spirit of the medicine and my soul join together as one.Together we bring out the beauty. It’s an honor for me to now hold space for people on their journeys with this sacred medicine. To sit in presence in the dark with Cacao and continuously experience the joy and light of our beautiful union is what I now wish to share with others 

There is only love ❤️

Dionne is an experienced Shamanic Practitioner who is passionate about Ritual, Ceremony, Honoring and Holding Space with the Sacred Plant Medicines and helping others reconnect to their authentic selves. 

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Dionne Luby
Dionne Luby
Articles: 4